The experience that our clients live through on the virtual platform of Madavi, The YES Planet, is full of positive energy! These online sessions, in which we reach a high level of participation, work “as well as or even better than face-to-face”, as our clients comment in this video, mobilizing the organization towards change.
Do you want to know how we do it?
This is how an online session with Madavi The YES Planet works.
In the map in the image below, we can see clearly reflected how Madavi The YES Planet works.
Before starting -as you can see on the right of the image -, we provide some advice regarding how to improve the connection of the team: sit in space that is quiet and with no one else there since sound travels, have a pen ready, use ear plugs to hear better, silence the microphone if you are not speaking.
An online session with Madavi always starts with a PLENARY SESSION, a space in which all the participants appear on screen, with the camara activated but in silence. This corresponds to Situation A in the image.
Next, we take them to different “rooms” in PAIRS, to start to develop the appreciative interviews: Situation B. After that we return to the Plenary session and then they gather again in new “rooms” in GROUPS of 6-8 people: Situation C.
After this meeting in groups, we go back again to the plenary session in order to do the PRESENTATIONS of each group based on what they have done. At this moment, when the presentation of each group starts, the rest of the participants turn off their camaras and silence their microphones so that they can only see the group that is doing the presentation: this is Situation D.
What is the team that makes up Madavi in The YES Planet like?
From the beginning, the team of Madavi has been made up of three types of people, until due to the pandemic a new figure has arisen:
- For this part there are appreciative facilitators: those who make things easy, those who make their clients believe more in themselves.
- Then there are the “scribers”, who have the capacity to picture everything in real time.
- The reporters, who film what has happened and, what the protagonists have said.
- The producer is the new figure that has emerged in our team after the creation of Madavi The YES Planet. It is the person who organizes the whole system, a person capable of maintaining the people in pairs, groups or plenary sessions, sharing the information in such a way that it permits the generation of communication between many.
Fernando Iglesias, founder of Madavi, explains it in this video: