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Redeia: How to design a new Health and Safety Plan based on strengths

Redeia: How to design a new Health and Safety Plan based on strengths

The Madavi methodology is “a fantastic philosophical change of a type that we are not used to. We always analyze problems based on problems and scarcity, which makes us more reactive. And when we analyze from abundance, the changes that take place in our way of thinking make us reach results that are much more positive. These dynamics cause a change in the thinking of organizations,” affirms Gonzalo Isabel Mira, head of Transportation Planning at Red Eléctrica, Redeia.

In the last few months, Madavi’s team of appreciative facilitators have been working again with Redeia, this time with the goal of designing their new Health and Safety Plan.

We began in April, coinciding with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work; we gathered with 600 people from the company to address this goal.

5 areas of opportunity in Redeia

After a first pre-summit, from which five work focuses emerged, we began the design of the new plan based on Collective Intelligence, that is, using the strengths of the entire system to make it even better. Each participant chose where they wanted to put their energy and talent.

These were the 5 focuses that emerged:

1.- Continuous learning

We start from the lessons learned and go further. We take the knowledge of the entire system (Redeia and contractors) and use it to improve in a collaborative way.

We promote dialogue both internally and with our suppliers.

2.- Technology for YES

Robotization, reduction in repetitiveness and use of technology to improve the ergonomics and safety of different tasks. Use of AI to automate.

3.- Ordered and well-sized processes

Clarity in processes, taking account of conditioning factors from third parties, time and resources needed for each operation. Guarantee the necessary time and transmit this to all actors in the value chain, both internal (supplies, operations, corporate services) and external (suppliers and also the administration).

4.- Safe emotions

Include psychosocial and emotional aspects of safety and well-being in all processes. Investigate and include what makes people feel safe. Put ourselves in a position to evaluate where we are, what we are going to do and if there is anything that could affect a person’s work.

Safety leads to the happiness that makes us attractive. Attracting talent can bring more safety, reinforcing this virtuous circle.


Safety in all locations and functions. Internalize each of the actions that imply safety and convert them into habits. Go beyond the procedure and training. Transcend, going outside the organization: reach families, contractors and administrations. Safety is for everyone. We want everyone to get home safe and sound.

Next, we continued the project by also bringing in Redeia’s entire  Latin American division (Redinter) and suppliers such as Elecnor, Cobra, Applus+ and Técnica 4, among heads of occupational and technical risk areas, and thus completed the circle.

In the first session, we brought 80 people together, and in the second, more than 100, to involve them in the design of the new plan.

The result of these two on-line summits was spectacular!

You’ll find more about this project at in this link.