Josu Madariaga, Responsible of Client Experience, explains to us in this interview that Eroski finds itself in key moment of transformation. “We are trying to achieve that the client is present on all the decision-making tables, that his opinion guides what we do day to day”. “The most important part of my role in Eroski is to have tried to make the client more visible, to bear in mind what he/she opines and that is what moves all of us in the direction that the client has pointed out”, he adds.
What are the keys in this process of transformation?
“The confidence and autonomy to take decisions that we have empowered the people with in the shops are the keys of the new way of relating to and looking at the client”.
He assures us that in this sense it is the people in the shops who are carrying out the change, “without them we would not achieve absolutely anything”, and he wants to recognise in this interview the work of all the people that have participated, both in the initial process and at this moment; saying what they would do better, how they would do it in a different way, moments “wow” of the clients’ experience …
«We want to be the best in customer service »
Josu Madariaga aspires to Eroski “being the best in the world in customer service”. “And even if it seems very ambitious, the transformation we are beginning to carry out, convinces us that we are able of achieving it”. ” The people in the shops are achieving such advances with their clients, that there seems to be no limit to our capacity of improving the experience of our clients. And that is my ultimate aspiration from my role point of view”.
In what context did you start working with Madavi?
“We started working with Madavi in a context of cultural transformation. We needed to change and do it in a different way, as they say in Madavi, change the way in which we change. Madavi appeared and started to help us, to facilitate this process that is giving such good results in Eroski”.
Tell us about it…
“The first thing we did was to ask our clients what their perception of us and our competitors was. From there we set objectives for three prototype shops. What is really remarkable is that we surpassed them even before the time-limit we had established.
The energy that we started to see in the first phase was what made us tackle the second.
In this new phase we have increased the number of shops and even the formats in which we put into practise these dynamics. This is where are now, having executed approximately 75%”.
Why Madavi?
“Madavi is a company different from the others, and it seemed to us that we needed a Company that by doing things differently achieved objectives in a different manner. We believe that the way of working with people from the shops, from the bottom, and managing to identify the best of each one would be easier with Madavi. The experience is being very successful”.
What have you liked the most?
“The way of delegating in people; they are the ones that know. To establish a framework that with confidence achieves a level of autonomy sufficient to give the clients the adequate experience. I believe this is one of the concepts that I like the most of all this
Another aspect to be highlight is to appreciate even at a personal level. We can always look at what we do well in order to do it more and better. It is the culture of abundance. The permanent appreciation amongst colleagues and also towards the client. Appreciate everyday that they come in through the door and continue to have confidence in us. I believe that is what I like the most and it is even serving me in my work on a daily basis.”
Josu Madariaga also explained that with all this process he has learnt to think about what he transmits to others; “the search to find what is good in people and to try and make it manifest and exploit it. That I believe is where the greatest learning is to be found”.
What is appreciative culture for you?
“Appreciative culture is a way of seeing life, a philosophy. not only for work or how we organise ourselves or how we sell. It is a philosophy. The transforming effect and the energy it provides is very positive”.
How would summarise your experience with Madavi?
“The experience with Madavi is one of transformation, he says that it transforms the way in which one sees, in the way one lives, in the way one works …”.
“The best contribution that Madavi can do in this phase is to continue with us. We are achieving very good results and I believe that this is the road to follow”, he adds.
How does this translate into your day to day?
“From the beginning of this experience, I have incorporated a new habit which is proving to be very fruitful, and that is to transform all the communications that I make from an appreciative point of view.
I have imposed upon myself a rule: after writing any communication I re-read it and transform it from an appreciative viewpoint with the correct tone.”.
And the methodology of Madavi “changing the way in which we change”?
“For me it is more than a methodology it is a philosophy. Changing the way in which we change, is a way of seeing the organisation, your life and your colleagues, and of course the most important of all, a way of seeing the clients. They are people who come into our shops every day, and that way of seeing them makes us appreciate the fact that they come back every day”.
For these reasons, Josu Madariaga encourages all his colleagues to start this journey of “appreciative culture”. “In this trip you only win; you win confidence, strength, relationships… Once you start this journey you become a traveller who enjoys the road he is travelling”.
Can you advance us some results or milestones of the project?
“Some of the things that started to appear in the summits which we carried out with Madavi have already materialised and are happening in the shops. The dreams that began to appear have become a reality and are occurring in the pilot schemes. And by the way, the clients are recognising it and thanking us for thinking about them and resolving their needs.”.