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Already on video on webinar «Accelerated learning for working connected»

Already on video on webinar «Accelerated learning for working connected»

Although we have been talking about the increase in teleworking for years, the truth is that in Spain it has reached our homes due to the lockdown and when many organizations were not ready for it.

How do you learn in an accelerated fashion to work as a connected team? You learn via the Expansive Circle, analyzing situations in an appreciative manner and having worthwhile conversations: The best of the previous day, how to do it even better today and generate collective action. Only movement generates movement.

This appreciative method is to be used in every circumstance, in the professional, personal and family environment. Let us focus and what is needed, continue to give value so we can come out of this disruptive situation being better persons, better professionals and a better society.

In moments of disruption the potential to learn is tremendous. Let us take advantage of it.

That is how Miguel Ángel Sanz, facilitator at Madavi, explains it in one of the free webinars the Madavi team is offering during the period of due to the COVID19.

If you did not have the opportunity to participate live, you can see it live here: