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A leap towards the new normal: What are we going to bring with us from all of this?

A leap towards the new normal: What are we going to bring with us from all of this?

More than a hundred people participated in the “A leap towards the new normal?” in which Fernando Iglesias, founder and CEO of Madavi, and Javi Creus, founder and director of Ideas for Change, led a collective reflection on what we really have learnt from these past weeks.

Learning to face a new-normal with a positive attitude

The objective of this workshop was to help the participants to discover how they could face these changes with a more energetic, positive and ample vision. “In a moment of disruption such as the present, changes are accelerated, and uneasiness grows. The good news is that if every situation brings with it a possibility to learn, the potential to reinvent, then a situation like this one is brimming as long as we can channel it”, explains Fernando Iglesias.

What have we learnt from the present situation?

During the workshop we identified four relevant conclusions with regard to what have we learnt from the present situation:

  1. The revelation of personal potential: we know ourselves better; we have put ourselves to the test and we have discovered what we are capable of.
  2. The value of those personally close to us, of the family and friends. The physical distance has made intimate emotions flourish.
  3. The community and the common good:we are aware that we are in this together and that we depend on one another and that each person can contribute.
  4. There is a different way of doing things: it is possible to work or study at a distance and that there is not such a hurry, nor such a need for so many things.

With regard to what we wanted to do more and better, during the session we highlighted the need to feel more valuable, to appreciate that that which is positive in our lives and to focus better on our priorities and necessities. “Now, more than ever, it is absolutely necessary to value time. It is the moment for action”, pointed out Fernando Iglesias.

And what would we happily like to stop doing? It was answered massively: we want to stop wasting time. “And we refer not only to the time we waste moving around, but also to the time we spent on expectations and superfluous elements that do not add value”, explained the CEO of Madavi. Moreover, we want to free ourselves from fear. The present situation has shown our vulnerability, but also our strengths and that we are not willing to live with misgivings.


At the end of the workshop, we asked the participants with what words would they define the session. Positivism; new ideas; bring out the best of oneself; be constructive; learning…. these were a few of the expressions that arose.