What for? Where to? Until when? Reflections of Cristina Sendino on Flexibility
18 March, 2021
Sessions online Madavi, as good or better than face-to-face
18 March, 2021
How to achieve an exceptional service for the Customer (CS) in 3 phases
13 January, 2021
Boosting Sales in 3 phases
18 December, 2020
The 3 things which our clients most ask us
27 October, 2020
Facilitator of change or consultant?
17 September, 2020
Madavi has identified 5 key learnings from the directors during the pandemic
22 July, 2020
The appreciative interview is a potent tool which serves to impulse change in organizations
17 July, 2020
Return? To what orbit?
14 July, 2020