From diversity to microdiversity, a step forward towards more balanced and profitable organizations
13 July, 2022
Can Appreciative Inquiry improve our health? YES!
18 May, 2022
Leadership in the collaborative era is the art of inquiring into what does work
01 February, 2022
Imagine if your whole organization were to dream of a better future, how far would you advance?
08 October, 2021
If you want your organization to change more rapidly and reach further, join appreciative inquiry!
30 June, 2021
The orientation of the client, how to tackle this challenge successfully?
09 April, 2021
What for? Where to? Until when? Reflections of Cristina Sendino on Flexibility
19 February, 2021
The appreciative interview is a potent tool which serves to impulse change in organizations
17 July, 2020
Return? To what orbit?
14 July, 2020