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Digitalization and internationalization are the two pillars of Madavi’s expansion

Digitalization and internationalization are the two pillars of Madavi’s expansion

What are the two pillars of Madavi’s expansion? As Fernando Iglesias  advanced in a  previous post, Madavi, the YES Company, has started its expansive phase, which means that growth  will come from projects at an international level in both sales and teams.

Our objective is that 35 % of our sales will proceed from international projects. We want to reach more companies and make a more appreciative entrepreneurial world. We are already working globally with international clients, such as, Danone, Weidmuller, Startup Wise Guys, Evian…

expansion madavi

«We are 100% remote and online, and we have a magnificent team. As a result, we are ready to work with many more people and companies so that they benefit from one of our Principles, namely, abundance, and that is to simply see in organizations and in people the best of what is in order to do it more and to do it better; to see the opportunity; that which you DO have; what is good already exists … we can make it even better … It is not shit, it is manure”, affirms Fernando.

Change based on strengths

Since its foundation, the focus of Madavi has always been the same, it is based on “Changing the way in which we change”. Change based on strengths is our banner. What was always done in companies when things did not go well? The causes of the problem were analyzed, and a solution was sought, and a plan of action applied. It is the paradigm of scarcity, of what you do not have.

With Appreciative Inquiry, the opposite paradigm arises, one of abundance. This is the principal methodology that we use in Madavi. Instead of focusing on problems, Appreciative Inquiry proposes that we take advantage of this situation to generate a change at a higher level. To awaken in people a more positive image of themselves and this impacts on the whole organization and that in turn allows us to reach further and faster.

Three stages in the life of Madavi

In our history there are three stages: “the era of the founding partners”“the era of the pioneers” y “and the expansive era”. Now, the pioneers have become the teachers of others, incorporating new partners and intergenerational talent. We want to take advantage of all that we have learnt in these last years in order to give more value to our clients.

Madavi, The YES Company, was born in 2015, and several important milestones in its life can be pointed out. In April 2016 we faced our first big project at an international level with Danone in Paris; we held an international summit with 80 people representing 20 countries. In 2017 the team with the existing partners was completed: Fernando Iglesias, Iciar Sanz, Ana García Villas-Boas, Miguel Ángel Sanz, Cristina Sendino, Coe Martínez de Lejarza, Mercedes Osorno, Pilar Ramírez y Alberto Pérez.

In 2018 we started our first scalable project with Eroski, a project of transformation that included 28.000 people and continues at present.

In March 2020 we lost business due to the pandemic, and we took the decision to give our time “for free” to all our clients and working with them in a virtual format. After these first  digital experiences, in which we worked with 1.600 people, in July 2020 Madavi reinvents itself and the online platform, The Yes Planet, is born, from which all our sessions are carried out and from which we interact with our clients and their teams.


In only one month, in June 2021, we mobilized online 2.000 people from the same company.

Madavi Expansion – All our clients, working on an online format

In fact, all our clients that work with Madavi on-site are also doing it on an online format. The key is that the persons who participate in our sessions, which can last 1, 2 or 3 days, are the protagonists; we are the facilitators; it is they who interact, debate, discuss, present…

These online sessions easily surpass the expectations of the participants: they produce more positive energy; they mobilize towards action; they allow the inclusion of a greater number of people; they generate more intensive emotional bonds; they favor spontaneity and closeness and significantly save on logistical resources.

All that we do on-site, the dynamics: interviews in couples, groups, presentations… are now done in a digital fashion, and the professional profiles of the Madavi team are also maintained in this format: facilitators, scribers and graphic and audiovisual reporters.