Jackie Stavros is the co-author of the book ‘Thin Book of SOAR’, in which she channels the results of her impressive work on formulating a methodology based on Appreciative Inquiry.
Today we are going to talk to Jackie Stavros because her thinking is very aligned with Madavi´s philosophy, “Changing the way in which we change”, which means that companies grow and develop at a greater speed, as long as they study what they do have and what they do want, instead of investigating problems. Our approach is based on aligning strengths towards aspirations in the form of opportunities.
Discovering strengths with Jackie Stavros
The passion of Jackie Stavros has always been to help others discover their strengths, to identify opportunities and to design a strategy to search for results to achieve a powerful positive change.
This prestigious author is known for having created SOAR. A positive approach to strategic thinking, planning and leadership that focuses on, as its name indicates, Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results.
Weaknesses and threats are not ignored but re-thought and focused on in a more appropriate manner within opportunities.
Focus energy on what you do best to achieve a competitive advantage and to look for a source of energy and confidence to achieve small and large milestones and obtain the desired results.
Appreciative Inquiry, based on the work of Jackie Stavros
The foundation of her work is Appreciative Inquiry, a new methodology for transforming organizations that is based on discovering what is the best that an organization has instead of analysing its problems and what is not working. With this valuable instrument the best in people, company organisations or communities rises up to stimulate conversations, which are worthwhile and generate strong engagement and significant results.
SOAR is a framework to formulate and plan strategies that allows an organization to foresee its preferred future. Using Appreciative Inquiry it is applied to construct strategic thinking and a process of dialogue.
The applications for the SOAR method include strategy, planning, teamwork, coaching, leadership development and strategic summits. Strategy is fundamental for organizational performance.
Jackie Stavros has presented her studies in nearly 25 countries and develops this methodology in her book ‘Thin Book of SOAR’, one of the works of reference in the world of Appreciative Inquiry.