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Reinvent ourselves in order to reinvent

Reinvent ourselves in order to reinvent
By Coe Martínez de Lejarza, appreciative facilitator

15 weeks. 15 weeks since the world started to change and we found ourselves in an unknown situation which we had to confront.

In Madavi we bet from the first moment not to keep still. Given that we dedicate ourselves to “Changing the way in which we change” the logical thing to do was to start with ourselves.

For us it was important to anticipate and do new things in a new context. This is a short account of those other things that we have started to do, that we have started to change and to learn:

Constant Design. Daily meetings, every morning, all the partners. Prototype mentality to design, test, measure and design again new dynamics, new technologies to be used, new interactions, new services… Time length of each cycle? One day.

Accelerated learning to work connected. Highly participative webinars to learn how to work in an accelerated manner how to work as a team in the new situation. 8 sessions (in Spanish and English) in which we used «expansive circle» as the method.

A leap towards the new-normal. Joint workshops with «ideas for change». Fernando Iglesias and Javier Creus led a collective reflection on what we really have learnt and what changes have come to stay.

Teams on-demand. During the first weeks we offered free dynamics to teams to help them face the present situation. We used appreciative inquiry to learn the best of what is and to create new initiatives and areas of opportunity.

Decision makers. Interviews with managers to get the vision of key people in decision making in the context of disruption. We have already spoken to more than 60 directors. We are analyzing the results and hall tell you more soon

THE YES PLANET. The virtual platform of Madavi, the second-best thing to being physically together. Discover it on


It has been 15 intense weeks. We could say “Welcome to the new Madavi”, but it would not be true, we continue to change, the way Madavi has done so from its beginnings. Only this time it has been faster.

At what speed do you need to change your organization? Let us talk.